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Important Notes:

  • The paper may represent completed research, theory, work-in-progress and conceptual paper

  • The paper may be written in English OR Bahasa Malaysia.

  • The paper must not be more than 10 pages (inclusive of references and/or appendix).

  • The following instructions for submissions must be followed for any contribution sent. Please read them carefully and use the Word template  we provide.





Important Notes:

  • The extended abstract may represent a review of recent research literature, or work-in-progress, or personal experience pertaining to a particular problem, project or approach, indicating what the findings suggest, and/or provide a suggestion – with rationale and justification – for a different approach or perspective on that problem.

  • The extended abstract may be written in English OR Bahasa Malaysia.

  • The extended abstract must not be more than 3 pages (inclusive of references).

  • The following instructions for submissions must be followed for any contribution sent. Please read them carefully and use the Word template we provide.





These guidelines include complete descriptions of the fonts, spacing, and related information for producing your submission for both full paper and extended abstract.


Paper Size: A4


Margins:     Top: 3.3 cm       Left: 3 cm           Header: 1.5 cm
                     Bottom: 4 cm    Right: 2.5 cm     Footer: 2.5 cm


Do NOT Use footers, headers and page numbers.


Title: The title should be centered in 16pt Times New Roman, boldface, all capitalised and paragraph spacing after 24pt.


Authors: The Authors name should be centered in 11pt Times New Roman.


Affiliation: The Affiliation should be centered italicised in 9pt Times New Roman.


Abstract: Use the word ABSTRACT as the title, in 9 pt Times New Roman, boldface, paragraph spacing before 42pt and paragraph spacing after 6pt. The abstract is to be in 9pt Times New Roman and justified. Should be not more than 250 words.


Keywords: Use the word KEYWORDS as the title, in 9 pt Times New Roman, boldface, paragraph spacing before 18pt and paragraph spacing after 6pt. The keywords are to be in 10pt Times New Roman and justified.


Main Text: Type your main text in 10 pt Times New Roman and justified. Please do not place any additional blank line between paragraphs. The second paragraph and subsequent paragraphs should be indented first line 0.5 cm.


First-order Headings: For example, “1. HEADING”, should be 13pt Times New Roman, boldface, paragraph spacing before 24pt, paragraph spacing after 12pt, flush left and all capitalised. Use a period (“.”) after the heading number, not a colon.


Second-order Headings: For example, “1.1 Heading”, should be 13pt Times New Roman, boldface, initially capitalised, flush left, paragraph spacing after 12pt and paragraph spacing before 12pt. Do not use a period (“.”) after the heading number.


Third-order Headings: For example, “1.1.1 Heading”, should be 11pt Times New Roman, boldface, initially capitalised, flush left, paragraph spacing after 12pt and paragraph spacing before 12pt. Do not use a period (“.”) after the heading number.


Do NOT Use more than three levels of heading.


Footnotes: Use footnotes sparingly (or not at all!) and place them at the bottom of the page on which they are referenced. Use 8pt Times New Roman, justified. To help your readers, avoid using footnotes altogether and include necessary peripheral observations in the text (within parentheses, if you prefer, as in this sentence).


Figures and Tables: All figures and tables should have caption. Figure and table captions should be 9pt Times New Roman. Capitalise only the first word of each figure caption and table title. Figures and tables must be numbered separately. For example “Figure 1. Text here”, “Table 1. Text here”. Figure captions are to be centered below the figures with paragraph spacing after 6pt and paragraph spacing before 6pt. Table titles are to be centered above the tables, paragraph spacing after 6pt and paragraph spacing before 6pt.


References: The references must be listed alphabetically. References should be 9pt Times New Roman, justified, indentation hanging 0.5 cm and paragraph spacing after 2pt. The references should follow the APA style formatting.



  • Presenters can check their presentation slot on the presentation schedule contained in the seminar bag.

  • Make sure you are at the scheduled presentation room at least 10 minutes before your slot starts.

  • Notify your attendance to the Chairman of the Session.

  • Presenters will be given 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q & A sessions (depending on the chairman discretion).



Each room for the parallel sessions will have a computer with Microsoft Power Point installed, and USB port connections. No overhead projector available. Presenters are advised to provide an electronic slide presentation in Power Point format.


Faculty of Management and Economics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

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